For Farmers and Ranchers


Did you know that in the United States alone, more than two million miles of pipelines deliver the energy supplies used to heat our homes, fuel our vehicles and much more?

It’s important for those involved in farming and ranching along our pipeline rights-of-way to:

We recognize that, as a farmer, you may be exempt from making a one-call notification before conducting certain farming-related activities. However, pipelines can shift over time due to soil erosion, deep plowing and other reasons.  For your own safety and to protect your farmland, we encourage you to call 811 before deep plowing, ditching, fencing, installing drain tile, clearing land or other excavation-related activities.

Also remember that pipeline damage, even if that damage does not immediately result in a leak, should be reported to Enbridge.

Please contact us if you have further questions on agricultural activity near pipelines. 

Information on the general location of transmission pipelines and contact information for pipeline operators is also available through the National Pipeline Mapping System. Maps, markers and other resources should never be used to find the exact location of a pipeline. Always call 811 before you dig.


View our assets in the U.S. and Canada.



View the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Website.
